Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hero’s decadence – The end of Hope

I’ve noticed and irritated alot with the way how the heroes have been pictured at present. The reborn of heroes in cinema and TV series is just an illusion. They are dying. In all the last movies launched about heroes, just one thing was common to all. The postmodern and hopeless thought. All heroes today are less heroes, more humans (even the ones from out of Earth), filled with faults and existential crisis.

I don’t know if you remember, but the hero objective always was inspire integrity, morality, values and hope that someone would save us from ourselves. Although, the heroes now are more like one of us. Not so full of rectitude anymore, see for example the new Superman movie. He uses his powers to spy and violate Louis Lane privacy, he’s ex-wife, now merried with another man. If wasn’t enough, he immorally seduce and put her in a betrayal situation against her present husband. Yet in this movie, the 5 (I think) years old son of Superman, kills a man. All right, you can say that he deserved that, but so what? Since when a 5 years old child has the power to judge who lives and who dies? And if he did it by accident, where is the responsibility of the ones who hold the power? Where is this safety filling that heroes gave to us, protecting us from the ones who irresponsibly uses power?

Think in any present movie, from X-Men to TMNT, from Rocky VI to Rambo 4, all heroes had some kind of existential crisis in witch their powers were a way too higher weight in their mission to save the world. Why our new histories are like this? Cause we want to turn this histories real or cause we are, each time, more hopeless about everything? Looks like the second law of thermodynamics is reaching our thought, ideas and creations. As we can see in the Nickelback song, called Hero, where the composer affirms don’t wait for a savior anymore:

“And they say that a hero can save us. Im not gonna stand here and wait… Someone told me love will ALL save us. But how can that be? Look what love gave us.
A world full of killing, and blood-spilling That world never came”.

As long as we continue to look to our bellybutton we’ll just find faults and disappointment. Super Heroes don’t exist, but I don’t know how good is this believe, in the absence of external hope, to us? Are we tired to wait, or are we looking to wrong place all this time? And if there is salvation outside our superficial reality? And If?... Science don’t have an answer to that, Religion claims to have it. How much of this issue have you researched? How good is to a convicted to know that there is no one out there for him? I know, this hopeless situation does not prove anything, but shows that we need hope. Not a fake one, we reject that, but a real one. Do you think this exist? I believe.

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.

Martin Luther King Jr.